
At-Home Option

At-Home Option

We hope to see all of our students on campus beginning September 8. We understand that some students may not be able to join us due to various reasons, and we will work with those families to provide learning at home. Please contact Patti Frullo, Assistant Head of School, or the appropriate Division Head, John Trout – Lower School, Kaye Hauschild – Middle School, Bob Yttredahl – Upper School, to let us know if your child needs this option. 

Teachers will be able to provide a synchronous learning environment for students who have selected the at-home learning option. Teachers will live stream their classes through zoom each day so that at-home students can follow their class schedule.

Faculty will work with students using the at-home option. Every teacher will be using Google Classroom and all lessons and assignments will be posted there. Students working from home will have access to all of the assignments and instructional materials being used in the classrooms.

Grading for the at-home students will be the same as for the students on campus.   

It is our hope that students needing an at-home option will be able to join their classmates on campus soon.  
