Head of Middle School Evelyn Tan B.S., M. Ed., University of St. Thomas etan@lakehillprep.org | |
Yessenia Aranda University of Texas at Arlington yaranda@lakehillprep.org | |
Lindsay Baronoskie B.A., University of Texas at Austin lbaronoskie@lakehillprep.org | |
Daniel Bracken B.S., University of Texas Director of Environmental Education dbracken@lakehillprep.org | |
Elizabeth Bracken B.A., M.Ed., Indiana University ebracken@lakehillprep.org | |
Jhoana Cayme-Mosley B.A., Texas A&M International University jcayme-mosley@lakehillprep.org | |
Sam Diffley B.M., The University of Texas at Arlington sdiffley@lakehillprep.org | |
Katherine Fredericks B.S., Millsaps College Department Chair, Science kfredericks@lakehillprep.org | |
Kinzie Garcia B.S., Oklahoma State University kgarcia@lakehillprep.org | |
Julie Gore B.A., M.A.Ed., Appalachian State University jgore@lakehillprep.org | |
Kaye Hauschild B.A., Texas Tech University khauschild@lakehillprep.org | |
Tracy Herron B.M., M.M., University of Kansas Department Chair, Performing Arts therron@lakehillprep.org | |
Zelie Jeanvoine B.S., Paris Nanterre University zjeanvoine@lakehillprep.org | |
Laura Johnson B.A., University of the Pacific ljohnson@lakehillprep.org | |
Ellen Kufel B.S., University of Oklahoma Department Chair, Mathematics – Kindergarten through Seventh Grade ekufel@lakehillprep.org | |
Jairus Mitchell B.S., Texas Woman’s University jmitchell@lakehillprep.org | |
Julie Murugen B.A., M.A., Southern Methodist University Department Chair, English – Kindergarten through Seventh Grade jmurugen@lakehillprep.org | |
Bradley Neyland B.S., Louisiana State University bneyland@lakehillprep.org | |
Denise Palmer B.S., M.A., Concordia University dpalmer@lakehillprep.org | |
Amiti Perry B.A., M.F.A., University of North Texas & The Ohio State University aperry@lakehillprep.org | |
Amanda Rasbury B.A., M.A., The University of Texas at Dallas arasbury@lakehillprep.org | |
Bryna Thomson B.S., M.S.S.E., Montana State University bthomson@lakehillprep.org | |
Sacha Troxler B.E.D., M.F.A., State University of New York at Purchase Department Chair, Fine Arts – Visual stroxler@lakehillprep.org | |
Anna Tucker B.F.A., The University of Texas Austin atucker@lakehillprep.org | |
Rebekah Weary B.A., Wheaton College rweary@lakehillprep.org |